Its like the pill became the new gucci bag, what style do you have?
The last time I went to the doctor for my birth control refill I was considering choosing another brand. When I asked for an explanation about Alesse, or at least a list of side effects I didn't get much of an anwser. I was simply sent off on my merry way. It was like the mentality was, "just shut up and nevermind your questions little girl, now go and get your pills and don't worry yourself with medical mumbo-jumbo you can't understand."
I left the doctor's office with the feeling that I had just made a bad transaction. Like I bought a new pair of jeans that didnt fit...and the sales clerk failed to tell me what the sizes were.
Women need to be properly informed when making choices that impact their sexual health, and when all they see are posters of women who are appear so confident and "re-alesse-tic", they may attribute birth control with behavorial characteristics that are false.
The message becomes, "If you buy this birth control you are smart, and completely in control of the future of your sexual health, case closed." So this brand of pill becomes idolized without providing girls with any concrete, vital information. Leave that to the doctors, Alesse will sell you "the confidence" instead.
Will that prevent pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection? I don't think so. I don't care what the ad says. That's not realistic in any sense of the word.