Friday, October 24, 2008
Send me on my way
Here's a snippet from the band live.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Detachable vagina?
Let that marinate a little bit, just think about that."
I'm a bit torn between laughing at Wanda's cure for rape, and feeling annoyed with the fact that she's making light of violence against women, and possibly normalizing it. I'm aware that this is humour, but suggesting that we should remove the magnet of sin between our legs points the finger at women. Maybe men should just remove their junk before they go out at night? Personally I’d feel a lot more comfortable jogging around my neighbourhood at 11 p.m. with that option.
And if we’re on a date, once they get the green light from us they can swing by their place and pick it up.
Just some food for thought.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Filth and Wisdom

Apparently Madonna flexed her writing mucles and earned a co-credit for the script, which contains a lot of playful narration from our gypsy lead who articulates, “Without filth there cannot be wisdom,” while pulling at his in-your-face stache.“They are two sides of the same coin.”
It looks like it is well worth the gander.
Here's a clip from an interview with Madonna and a few moments from the film.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
O My Heart

The eclectic style of their first album, which mixed jazz, folk and rock was dramatic and not widely recognized in the industry. “O My Heart”, their follow up creation, is getting some marvellous attention from critics who have praised the queen-worthy lyrics and focussed sound of rock and dance-club pop. Tonight everyone is absorbing it into their bloodstream, lovin’ every minute of the passionate, raw sound.
Debra-Jean and Molly are squaring off, a crazy look gleaming in their eyes, as the sinister and catchy tune, “Hay Loft” starts up.
“My daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, you better run.”
The girls stand opposite each other, wide in stance, voices crashing against each other, as Debra-Jean brandishes a flexed finger of warning. The effect is instantaneous. Heads bob and bodies start moving to the eerie, repetitive beat, as Ryan jumps in with his commanding pipes.
“It started with the hayloft a - creakin'well it just started in the hay – LOFT!
With his long johns on, Pop went a-creeping, out to the barn, up to the hay.”
The trio sounds related, with high in sync, wailing melodic voices, complimenting each other like three ascending notes on the keyboard. Ryan and Molly are siblings, with identically pronounced cheek bones, but Molly has more of a serene look; eyes closed ethereally or opened wide and fright-like as her fingers manipulate the keyboard.
The signature classic, “Touch up”, hits a chord, as a frenzy of movement erupts on the dance floor, and those leaning on the railings diagonal the stage automatically move their lips.
“Mascara all up in my eyes, chemical hair dyes and highlights. Higher than my lights, higher than highlights. My makeup, it has washed off. I need a touch up.”
With an unnerving look of possession, Debra-Jean looks like she’s in a crazed vocal trance, eyes focussed straight ahead, head rocking from side-to-side, her hair pulled back at the sides with short bangs.
Later, the slow, hypnotic twang of the guitar leads us to “Ghosting”, as Ryan, in his button up shirt and beige pants eases the vocals to a soft, low pace.
“I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along. Ghost in your house,ghost in your arms.”
Molly lifts her voice harmoniously in the background, situated at her small keyboard, in a red dress with a defined black V-neck and a creampuff gathering of red material around her legs.
The night has mostly been a showcase for their loud, glam rock songs, like “Verbatim” with a thumping beat that induces sexual fantasies about men who wear “women’s underwear.” And who know that what a woman (and loudly echoing crowd) loves most is, “A man who can slap but can also stroke.”
Once the show has climaxed, the audience claps and hollers itself into hysterics until Ryan’s blonde Elvis-styled do graciously returns to the stage. With a humbled, cool demeanour he offers us a little more.
But this time Debra-Jean is in the spotlight, for her imploring, twisted lover’s ballad, “Love and Truth,” which is truly an incomparable experience live.
“Love and Truth
Why are they so hard to achieve,
Love and truth
They're such hot commodities
But come in such small quantities.”
The raw force of her voice causes goose bumps to break out, as Ryan’s nimble guitar notes blast along in a Santana-esque style.
“If everything was up to me I'd make sure that there was plenty of love and truth
Love and truth where are you?”
At this point all hell breaks loose. Debra-Jean unleashes a torrent of pent up sound, careening in time with the pounding fast paced rhythm of the beats and quirky guitar notes. Her body vibrates, mouth open in a long emotional release. It ends in a passionate flourish and turmoil of drums.
This dynamic sound will invade your mind and haunt you for days. With original, addictive lyrics and clever meshing of genres, Mother Mother will be the type of poltergeist you’d love to stick around.
*Soon to be published in November issue
Monday, October 6, 2008
Journey through the white night of Nuit Blanche
I started my late-night artsy foray on a Saturday night at Dundas Square, where project “15 seconds” was underway. A wooden watch tower had been erected in the South East corner and a solitary figure shone a spotlight on occupants of the square for 15 seconds. Thankfully I wasn’t exposed by the bright light. From there we ventured on to the Ryerson Campus where Lake Devo, at the corner of Victoria St. and Gould, was home to a posse

Then it was onward to Maple Leaf Gardens, where “Without Persons” consisted of two large screens depicting corn starch that bubbled in accompaniment to Stephen Hawking audio. I was more interested to be inside the place for the first time, but a robotic talking substance wasn’t all that captivating so we made haste toward the Eaton Centre.

Once at Dufferin we curiously approached a grim reaper look alike on the street before arriving at the Gladstone Hotel, which has been a quite the hot spot at Nuit Blanche for the past three years. From the street I could see brightly coloured skulls, so we ventured in for a closer look at “El Craneo” an exhibit based on the Mexican, “day of the dead.” Every handmade skull had a personality and one even resembled a disco ball. Up the stairs we saw a giant metal fly dangling plates designed with intersecting flies. Three dimensional illustrations erupted out of sinks, a warm cave like room provided shelter and the period table got a face lift.

A series of destruction themed exhibits followed. On Liberty St. one building was ablaze in a project entitled “Purified by Fire” while another had water pouring from the window, in “Overflow.” Over at the parking lot of 60 Atlantic Ave. was “SMASH! Droppin’ Stuff” where uniquely themed shows where hosted every hour by the custodians of destruction. We witnessed the Christmas show, which included the hanging and quartering of a shelf elf, the plummet of a Buddha statue, large candle shaped yard ornaments that met their end, a Mac computer shattering splendidly, and 35 snow globes pitched to the ground in succession.
One of my personal conquests followed when we crossed over to the corner of Lamport Stadium. “Imagine Peace”, was a project created by Yoko Ono, as a form of collective secular prayer. We approached trees covered in paper tags, which had been inscribed with thousands of wishes. I chose to write two wishes, and then hung them as high as my height would allow. There was something about all those positive thoughts that was very satisfying to witness and participate in.

At the foot of the park was a cascading waterfall quilt of plastic on the Ontario Power Generation Building. It resembled glowing, underwater seaweed, and contrasted with the red flashing lights of the traffic and buildings behind us.

I found this project the most interesting, because as spellbinding as it was to watch the alarming images on the screens, the surrounding audience was equally enthralling. Beside me a few twenty-something’s erupted into shrieks and cries, clutching at their faces, goading each other on, and adding to the general din. Some, like me, fluctuated between astound

On the last leg of our journey, around 2 a.m. we headed up to Yonge and Gerrard, to see the much talked about “Zombies in Condoland.” A long line snaked up to a tent, where everyday citizens could “zombify” with bloody gashes, wounds and clammy un-dead complexions. They could also don ripped and shredded clothing, to personalize the look. A speaker nearby announced that zombies arrive on set in 15 minutes to be filmed. Throughout the crowd of onlookers you could spot the odd flesh-eater, prowling sluggishly, dragging their limbs. I even saw a CTV reported all bloodied up with his camera man. Every once in a while someone would creep up behind an unsuspecting “normie.” Then came the delicious shrieks.