Pulsing beats and a sassy voice got me to perk up my ears when I heard The Tings Tings for the first time. Remember that iPod commercial with the groovy colours and catchy tune, “Shut up and let me go”?
Well, leave it to Apple to hunt down the most energetic indie songs and plant them permanently in our brains. But they definitely got it right with this English dance-punk band, consisting of Katie White and Jules De Martino (with his constant sunglasses) both on vocals, guitar and drums. Appropriately, according to one Chinese character, ting means “to listen.”
Their debut album, “We started nothing,” was released in May this year, and they’ve already won best UK video at the MTV Music awards for “Shut up and let me go.” They’ve followed it up with “Great DJ”, which was practically driving me mad because I couldn’t figure out who the artist behind it was. Their sound has been referred to as, “Homemade pop that’s D-I-Y, danceable and energetic”. I couldn’t agree more. Every time I hear Katie singing “I ain’t freakin’, I aint’ fakin’ this, I definitely want to dance, yell, jump or all of the above.
The acoustic version is also pretty rad + "standing in the way of control", on BBC Radio 1.
Too bad they won’t be in Canada anytime soon, but keep an eye on their psychedelic, pop-punk flair, cuz this duo has an original beat.
There are some epic love songs that leave you breathless, transporting you to someplace far away in your mind. David Martel, a Canadian indie-folk singer from Montreal possesses that amazing story telling quality in his music. One moment you’re in the crowd, watching him play his guitar and the next you’re caught up in the passionate landscape that he paints.
I watched David perform in October at Lee’s Palace in Toronto, as an opener for Mother Mother, wearing an old fashioned hat and fuzzy slippers. He sang like his life depended on it, and I was hooked. Plus a cellist was involved, which made it even more soulful and romantic sounding. It was musical-love at first sight. His debut album, “I Hardly Knew Me,” was birthed in 2007, with the help of many different musicians intricately layering their instrumental gifts. This album resembles a love letter read in bed, with the winter sunlight peeping under your curtains. Capable of both slow, soft lyrical moments, David sings with an unquestionable passion and playfulness on stage and on record. Songs like, “End of self” have a rock anthem/ ballad quality to them which crash with intensity.
He captivatingly takes you through his highs and lows, with songs like, “Cancel all your plans,” and “Stay In,” which end on powerful, thundering tempos. “Be all, end all,” is another fierce song about the end of relationships.
Are you waiting for the sun to rise to make this over? just hold me up to the light see what’s still left over stop waiting for the sun to rise don’t pretend it’s over your freedom waits in sacrifice.
Like any good love story his songs take you on a high, leaving you with the feeling that in life, despite the endings that occur, there is something on the horizon. Intimate lyrics are meshed with the sounds of guitar, piano, accordion, flutes and synths, as well as his talented female vocalist, Natasha-Lou Landry. I’m sure that his visually stunning lyrics and disarming performances will get a lot of attention in the near future. Hopefully Canada will be getting to know the talented Mr. Martel a lot better, very soon.
This tiny, cat-eyed, sweet faced girl just stole my heart with her synthesized tunes and nerdy ways. Who knew that a headband could be so adorable? Lights, or Valerie Poxleitner, is a Toronto-based space artist-princess who makes puppets, rides neon dino’s, befriends pet tarantula’s and converses with her shower curtain in her spare time. Her synth-pop-indie-new wave sound is adorable, and listening to her acoustic songs is a simply lovely experience.
I just watched her captivating video-blog series on youtube, which is currently on hold until the New Year. She first flooded our ear drums in an Old Navy commercial featuring, “The last thing on your mind,” and again with “February Air," which is now an original music video sequal to "Drive my soul," with a cute retro, comic book feel.
She started playing music at the age of 11, and her EP album, “Lights” was recently released on September 16th, 2008. Her three-person band consists of herself on vocals, guitar and keytar, with Adam Weaver on synthesizers and Maurie Kaufmann on drums. She’s been touring all fall and will continue to hit up Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia in the New Year. Here’s a unique Canadian artist who creates her own music, designs, resembles a nerdy little ray of sunshine and makes us laugh with her playful personality. I only hope she returns to Toronto soon. Her sweet sound and happy lyrics make me eager to witness the glow.
Good news for the holidays! Good for her, Toronto’s cozy, accommodating, educational, workshop-providing sex shop, has compiled their top 20 picks for 2008. This incredibly erotic list of goodies includes toys and porn as fabulous and diverse as the people who purchase them. You won’t find a pile of blonde, tanned, double-D babes here, just hot porn made for female pleasure. Between their top ten new products and porno DVD’s there’s a lot of nifty items to log down for your wish list this year. From the Mia Rechargeable Vibrator, which is slim, compact and can be hooked up to a USB port for recharging, to Five Hot Stories for Her, which won the 2008 Feminist Porn awards movie of the year, there’s a little something naughty to please everyone. If you like porn with great soundtracks, cinematography, real women and men, diverse races and body types, and creative plots then Good for Her is the way to go when searching for porn that will push your buttons. You’ll find trans couples, gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, one night stands, orgies, light bondage, S&M, titillating sex therapy, and masturbation documentaries to satisfy a range of sexual palettes. Find what toys and vids ranked the highest this year, and which received a staff seal of approval at Good For Her by checking out this tempting directory for all your holiday pleasure needs!
The Sasi Intelligent Vibrator is a A keen toy that knows what you want and won't stop until you're satisfied. Check out this link for an instructional vid.
The We-Vibe stimulates your G-spot and your clitoris during solo fun or intercourse, so you'll both feel the vibrations. Thats right ladies, you can wear it during sex, and its very versatile. Here's a tip-filled vid from Babeland sex toy shop in Seattle.
I’m a feminist who enjoys sexual education & liberation, DIY women's health, comedy, artistic expression and music. I believe all women are beautiful, and should celebrate it everyday, no matter how those hair removal/diet pill/tanning commercials tell you to behave or transform. The media may try to sell you “normal” but it doesn’t exist. Real people have blemishes, cellulite and natural bodies. Self love=power.
People are like plants, we could all use some mind-fertilizer.