This epic shindig will take place from September 18- 21 in Toronto, Kensington Market. So get your buns over there if you are pro-woman and get involved in something

Performances by bands, poets, visual artists, filmmakers, speakers and a multitude of workshops, from sexual education to literature and social issues will pepper the festival. For example, last year one of the workshops featured a discussion about the legal rights of sex workers, while a series of smutty feminist films was showcased at the Brunswick theatre. Other stimulating pursuits included arts and crafts creations and sales, dance parties with DJ’s and any other amazing activity you can imagine.
Since the festivities are still in its planning stages volunteers of all types are needed, as well as musicians and artists, so if you’re interested in participating or performing you can contact ladyfesttoronto@
gmail.com. You can also send any enquiries and dialogue you may want to communicate.
So if you enjoy strong female artists, speakers, musicians, naughty literature written by feminist women, and discussions of our sexual rights in a friendly, open environment, then you know what to do. Grab a girlfriend and plan to explore artistic girl power in Toronto’s vintage sector.
For more information go to:

So if you enjoy strong female artists, speakers, musicians, naughty literature written by feminist women, and discussions of our sexual rights in a friendly, open environment, then you know what to do. Grab a girlfriend and plan to explore artistic girl power in Toronto’s vintage sector.
For more information go to:
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