These are the kind of statements you will hear if you subject yourself to watching CosmoTV. That’s why I do it rarely, and only for educational purposes. Like a social experiment, to see how high my annoyance factor rises over the course of an episode.
Although relationship advice has become a kind of cult-like dogma these days, I think that pin pointed tips to a successful love life will never magically fix the problems a couple faces. And when Cosmo starts dishing out the five things a guy will do before he breaks up with you then a gaggle of girls absorbed in the doctrine will actually fly into a panic if their boyfriend sneezes twice after texting someone while looking slightly suspicious on the third Monday of the month. The power that we give to silly rules is insane. So as I promised, here are some more fun facts that I caught a glimpse of during the commercial breaks:
36% of women have had 2-5 sex partners in their lifetime
73% of online Cosmo readers say they feel hornier during the weekend than during the week
56% of women think a man doesn’t need to be married to have kids
47% of guys have made a sexy home video (puh-leaze!)
56% of guys love to watch you apply body lotion (oh lala)
37% of guys will forgive you for cheating
14% of married women admit to cheating compared to 22% of married men
So, after all this valuable learning I watched a bubbly woman interview girls about the types of sunglasses best for you. One of the titillating questions was, “Would you break up with a guy if you happened to wear the same shades?”
Then there was an eye-opening segment that discussed ways to lift your mood. My favorite suggestion was “copy the catwalk.” In other words, taking bigger strides boosts your attitude. Hmmmmm. The next time I'm feeling blue I'll put on some heels and strut...very helpful once again, Cosmo.
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