No dice, my friend. Despite the fact that age of consent for sexual activity in Canada is 16, sex retailers (including online shops) still bar access to anyone under 18 years old. Xtra, Toronto's gay and lesbian bi-weekly newspaper, recently covered this issue in their March 12 issue, entitled “Teens get the shaft in the struggle for sex toys.”
So why is there a double standard when it comes to teens exploring their sexuality? They can do the deed but are denied access from buying the props to enhance solo or joint pleasure.

“Having sex with someone is acceptable, but exploring your own body by masturbating with anything more than your own hands is not.”
Many teens may not be satisfied by the prospect of DIY cucumber foreplay. I know I wasn’t.

Not every teen is ready to get raw and intimate with their naughty bits but restricting exploration is not only discouraging to sexual comfort, it’s counterproductive.
It sends the message that teen masturbation and foreplay isn’t up for discussion and it isn’t accepted. Stifling sexuality as “inappropriate” creates feelings of shame or embarrassment in young adults who already receive a lot of contradictory messages about sex from their parents, religious institutions, school, friends and the media.
The masturbation phobia of the 18th century created a fearful and restrictive atmosphere around the concept of self pleasure. Medical professionals warned against the sinful activity that could result in anything from death to insanity, vision and hearing problems or epilepsy. Young boys were restricted from having or manipulating an erection through various preventative devices. These sure look fun.

Young women would only benefit from learning more about their own anatomy and what gets them wet. In sex education as teens we are told that a penis is inserted into a vagina and he reaches satisfaction. End of story. Slam-bam-thank-you-m’am. But is that all teenage girls should expect from sex? What about their sweaty, messy, world-quaking orgasms? Why shouldn’t they be able to learn about the possibilities for pleasure that are available to them at the tip of a curved, water-proof, bead-rotating, ribbed, throbbing vibrator? As they say, practice makes perfect….

Sex toys can be great teachers and for a teen who is eager and willing to learn, why not leave the doors wide open?
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