Friday, April 18, 2008

Bottle Fairy very cute! (kawaii!)

I just discovered the cutest anime of all time. Its called Bottle Fairy and its a 13 episode series. The plot basically consists of four adorable fairies that live in a guy's house and try to learn about the world in order to become more like humans. The boy they live with isn't given a name, just "Sensei-san" which translates into teacher. His ten-year-old neighbour, Tama-chan, comes over to teach the fairies the meaning of concepts like college, or love letters, or valentines, and it often goes awry, which is appropriate seeing as this is a comedy.

Each fairy represents a season, and every episode represents a month, with one additional episode. Kururu is the spring fairy, with pink hair and an uber-enthusiastic attitude 24/7. She often assumes the leader role but tends to go over the top. She also develops a crush on Sensei.

Hororo is the winter fairy, with brown hair. She is kind of slow and ambles along in the series, and also has the largest appetite (she always finishes her portions first). She has a tendency to roll...and can be caught staring at the screen as if she knows there is an audience. There are also a few moments in the series that hint at her attraction for Kururu.
Chiriri (my personal favourite) is the summer fairy with long blonde, sailor moon-length reminiscent pig tails. She always wears a cute little handkerchief/hat on her head and likes to adapt many different objects into headwear. She has a surreal imagination, which usually resembles a soap opera, and tends to be very lady-like.

Sarara is the autumn fairy, with grey hair. She is the tomboy of the group, and always tries to integrate a battle into every situation. She is a typical kendo (japanese fencing) girl, with an obsession for samurai swords and ninja tactics. While the other fairies dress in feminine attire Sarara dons masculine clothing.
Short but sweet, this anime involves a lot of wordplay, and as the fairies learn the meanings of japanese cultural terms with many mishaps along the way, so does the audience. It involves a lot of imaginary role-playing, gung-ho competitions, high expectations, adorable misunderstandings, gender switching, and cute daydreams.
With each episode only 12 minutes long its also ideal to finish in one night. I highly recommend it if you have some spare time, a fetish for childlike sentimentality and if you still like to believe in tiny fairies.

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