Saturday, December 27, 2008

Can't beat The Ting Tings

Pulsing beats and a sassy voice got me to perk up my ears when I heard The Tings Tings for the first time. Remember that iPod commercial with the groovy colours and catchy tune, “Shut up and let me go”?

Well, leave it to Apple to hunt down the most energetic indie songs and plant them permanently in our brains. But they definitely got it right with this English dance-punk band, consisting of Katie White and Jules De Martino (with his constant sunglasses) both on vocals, guitar and drums. Appropriately, according to one Chinese character, ting means “to listen.”

Their debut album, “We started nothing,” was released in May this year, and they’ve already won best UK video at the MTV Music awards for “Shut up and let me go.” They’ve followed it up with “Great DJ”, which was practically driving me mad because I couldn’t figure out who the artist behind it was.
Their sound has been referred to as, “Homemade pop that’s D-I-Y, danceable and energetic”. I couldn’t agree more. Every time I hear Katie singing “I ain’t freakin’, I aint’ fakin’ this, I definitely want to dance, yell, jump or all of the above.

The acoustic version is also pretty rad + "standing in the way of control", on BBC Radio 1.

Too bad they won’t be in Canada anytime soon, but keep an eye on their psychedelic, pop-punk flair, cuz this duo has an original beat.

1 comment:

Jess said...

hey adriana! it's jess/roundletters from my other account haha. i luuurve the ting tings. they were actually here a few months ago, but i had tickets to a different concert that night and devastatingly couldn't make it. howeeever they are playing in london when im there... i'll take videos for you if i make it there!! :P